Saturday, December 8, 2012

So last night I went to the casino to counter my current loneliness and boredom. I learned that you have to be 21 to gamble in the Philippines but if you lie about your age and your inability to produce a valid ID verifying that age and if you are 6'3 you will most likely find your way in. I also learned that progressive hold 'em is not regular texas hold 'em and it is a good way to lose your money to the casino.

And I don't know why I keep going to clubs because the music always sucks and I always just end up listening to my own music and feeling depressed because a) I am probably the coolest person in the room and no one knows, and b) the music is terrible and I always feel some sort of embarrassment for the people that don't have the capacity to know better or maybe they just don't have the time to develop some sort of preference that isn't dictated by their environment but I'm not sure if that statement makes any sense.

Anyways, I like learning new dance moves, some Indian fellow showed me a new one involving pressing your hands as if you were praying and incorporating some sort of body wiggle which seemed cool when I was drunk. Maybe it will be used in the future, maybe not, but it's always nice to have a wide variety of dance moves in your arsenal.

lonely life

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